
In a slump

I'm in a workout funk. I had two glorious runs on Saturday and Monday, with no real foot pain, and was so geared up to get back running. And then on Wednesday I saw a Podiatrist to make sure my foot was all better and cleared to run.....short story is I'm not supposed to run until at least my follow-up on June 18th. On the plus side, I finally got x-rays done and the doctor, who is also a runner, was 100% more professional and just...better than that a-hole I saw in April. He didn't confirm or deny whether it was, in fact, a stress fracture, but I'm hoping it wasn't and I can get cleared to run by the end of June.

In the meantime, I have been riding the bike, and I'm hitting a bit of a wall with it. My legs have been really heavy the last couple of days from the biking and the strength training I've been doing, and I've noticed a tiny ITB twinge. I foam rolled the crap out of it today (HOLY SHIT that is painful) and will keep my eye on it so it doesn't get worse. I'm debating whether to take a couple of days off and let my body recharge or screw the doctor's orders and go run (or at least walk) to mix things up. I'm just so unmotivated and fitting in my workout the last two days has been a Sisyphean task. I'd also like to try a week of yoga to kind of immerse myself in it, which may be a good plan for me both mentally and physically, but truth be told, I'm a little intimidated. Maybe I'll try the OnDemand yoga for runners a couple times this weekend to get the feel for it.

Also, I've been curious about trying protein powder with my lunch smoothies: does anyone have a good powder or good recipes they would recommend?

This is what I imagine yoga for cats would be like. Don't you wish you could do this all day?


  1. Are you not racing tomorrow?? I am still debating. I use designer whey and like the taste - cheapest from amazon!

  2. If you're really not feeling like working out I'd take a day or two off to recharge, both physically and mentally. Switching things up with yoga might help though. Hope you feel better soon!

  3. i think you should definitely take a few days and recharge and do some yoga. i'd hold off on running, you don't want to end up out of running for 6 months. :) not that i'd know how that is or anything.... ha.

  4. Protein powder? Yuck. I mean, I hope you find one you like.


  5. Give the yoga a try! I went to a Power Yoga class for "all levels" a few weeks ago...and I had NEVER stepped foot inside a yoga studio. I LOVED it. Check into Baptiste Power Yoga. It was a tough, demanding workout, but really enjoyable.

  6. I hate those unmotivated periods! I hit them all the time, and this annoying injury can't be helping. I love the indoor trainer but you can really only do so much on it, I get sick of it too. Fingers crossed you can run soon! In my experience every yoga class I've ever been to has a range of people from "I can put my foot behind my head" to "this is my first workout since '86", so I wouldn't worry. Plus the weird poses don't even allow you to check other people out once class starts. Do a week trial of Bikram, it's awesome!

  7. Shakeology isn't bad it's 150 calories so more like a snack than a meal. I like the green berry!

  8. Google YogaDownload - they have free 20-25 min audio classes and longer classes you can buy for cheap (1.99). If you've got cable, anything under fitness on On Demand is awesome though! If you try a real class, many studios have some kind of beginners special so you can see if it's a good fit for you. I was intimidated at first when I tried a small place back in January, but I really liked it! It's nice to have feedback from a real instructor on proper form for the poses.
