
Racing Bucket List

The more I get into running, the more races I hear about that I'm dying to participate in, but haven't been able to due to my overriding academic commitments. But now that I'm only two and a half short weeks away from re-entering the real world (read: the bar exam will be over and I'll be full-time job searching until something good comes along) I can't wait to do more races outside of Central Park. 

Case in point - last weekend was the NYC Triathlon. A year ago, I was too consumed with surviving marathon training for it to even cross my radar, but this year I see the photos from the event and I'm dying to be out there and in the thick of it. So on that note, I'm putting together my racing bucket list.

The List (in no particular order):
- a 50K
-NYC Tri
-Tour de Cure NYC Century ride
-Nike Womens Marathon (for the Tiffany bling, natch)
-Wineglass Marathon (because it has wine in the name)
-Napa2Sonoma Marathon (notice a theme here?)
-Napa Valley Marathon (great swag)
-RockNRoll Phoenix Marathon or Half
-Chicago Marathon
-Marine Corps Marathon
-LA Marathon

Any great races I'm missing?